From the manufacturer
<img alt=”Earth’s Best Organic” src=”,5,970,291_PT0_SX600_V1___.jpg”/>
Choosing the Perfect Formula
Breast feeding is the first choice for infant nutrition, but if and when you choose formula, even if to supplement, it is important to understand the options available. For babies who can’t tolerate a milk based formula, there are options.
- Milk based
- Soy based
- Partially Hydrolyzed Protein for babies with fussiness and gas
- Gentle formula with easy to digest proteins, including partially hydrolyzed whey
Earth’s Best Organic Sensitivity Baby Formula Earth’s Best Non-GMO Soy Baby Formula Earth’s Best Organic Gentle Baby Formula Earth’s Best Organic Dairy Baby Formula Explore More Products Reduced Lactose for Fussiness, Gas, and Crying Lactose-Free Easy to Digest Proteins for Fussiness, Gas, and Crying Our Closest Formula to Breast Milk
GreenFishFlyer –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Good product
If you do your research, this is a pretty good brand of organic formula, not the best one, byrcwe compromises bc this one you can pivknupbat target and usually Walgreens or whole foods in a hurry! (The others we’d have to order online which isn’t helpful in an emergency like travel or when you run out and need it same day). I really wish they’d stop putting folic acid garbage in the organic baby products and sub the higher quality folate… my baby (and 1/3 of the general population actually) has the MTHFR defect which makes it harder to absorb folate, and the artificial cheap form, folic acid, just makes it worse by blocking receptors… but so far there is NO brand that uses folate instead.Oh, and this IS very foamy when mixed but oh well
21 people found this helpful
Coyoteduce –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Best formula
We searched diligently for something we could feel good about giving our child. Milk production stopped early and the market is saturated with questionable mixes. This is the most affordable natural ingredient and best mix for your baby. We’ve been so pleased with this product over everything else. We tried options from us and even goats milk because of its similarities to human breast milk . This is the most affordable, easily accessible , etc. it smells pretty bad and tastes about the same but our boy absolutely loves it. We add vitamin c tabs that freshen it up but he’s happy And healthy and that’s what matters
9 people found this helpful
NashMama –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Hope for “allergic” babies!
I am so thrilled we found this formula. When our 3-month-old son broke out in full-body hives after a bottle of Similac formula, our pediatrician said he was allergic to cow’s milk. We tried lots of other low- and non-dairy formulas before finally settling on Nutramigen. It was the only formula he would drink that was “safe.” But the only thing more horrible than the smell was the ingredients: corn syrup solids, vegetable oil, lots of other gross oils. I finally got so fed up with these ingredients that I was willing to risk another allergic reaction to get to a more natural ingredients list.After extensive research we bought a canister of Earth’s Best Infant Formula, and low and behold: no rash! A month later, still no reaction and it smells heavenly compared to the other formula — even not compared to the other formula, it’s the best-smelling formula by far we’ve encountered. I am SO HAPPY we found this formula. It’s such a relief to give my baby these good ingredients every day. He is happy, healthy and well — and rash-free.
One person found this helpful
Rebekah –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Okay overall
I tasted it and it tasted like fish oil. Not bad for babies health, but smells bad when she spills it in the crevasses of her neck. My sister started calling my daughter milk neck when I used this formula.
Erika Gustafson –
5.0 out of 5 stars
I would definitely recommend this brand formula to mother’s who are unable to breast feed 🙂
My baby boy loves this formula, he drinks it down like no other formula we have tried so far! Not to mention, its organic and has all healthy ingredients with no added sugars or chemicals. The fact that it was organic and a better choice overall was what attracted me to this formula in the first place… Its just a bonus that my baby really enjoys the taste of it!! I highly recommends this formula for mothers like myself who could not produce enough breast milk to sustain their baby’s needs or for mothers who just could not breast feed for whatever reason. I also buy the purple can of Earth’s Best which is the sensitive option and mix them together since my boy tends to get gassy sometimes when feeding.
2 people found this helpful
Ami –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Breast is best…but, Earth’s Best rocks!
I have to admit, I have been a bit snotty when it comes to formula vs breast milk. An advocate for breastfeeding, I never thought I would need to resort to feeding my baby formula, but my view has changed dramatically over the “debate” when my 5 month old demanded more than my body could produce, leaving me to find another source of food for her. As a result, I now think formula (at least Earth’s Best Organic!) is such a great innovation. As parents, I think we all strive to give our children the very best, and so in my search for an infant formula, I went to our local health food store (Mother’s Market) and came across Earth’s Best, read the high quality ingredients and decided that it was worth the extra money. Thankfully, our daughter responded very well to it and didn’t have any lactose issues. I also like how it has iron, since BF babies lack the nutrient. Anyway, our daughter has been on Earth’s Best Organic going on three months and couldn’t be a happier baby.
One person found this helpful
Laura M –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Best formula ever
I will never use another formula again besides this one. My first son was on this and never had a problem with gassiness. After the birth of my second son, I got so many free samples of the Similac Pro-Advance so I started him off on that one. He always moaned after eating, spit up through his nose and was clearly gassy. Then I tried the Similac Pro-Advance Sensitive. Just as bad. I took him off of that after two weeks and switched him to Earth’s Best. I should have just gave him that from the beginning. He is never gassy to the point where he is uncomfortable, nor does he spit up through his nose anymore. HIGHLY recommend for those that choose to bottle fed, can’t breastfeed or are supplementing.
20 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars
My sons fav
I’ve experimented on quite a few formulas for my baby seeing he had bad reflux as a infant this is his favorite. I buy 4 every month for him and this size last compare to the regular size you don’t get your money worth. This is a bite pricey but it’s worth it
One person found this helpful
Nelson Mimura Gonzalez –
4.0 out of 5 stars
The only formula that worked for us
We tried several formulas. This was the only one our son liked. It still has this metallic taste/smell, but definitely not as bad as other brands.
3 people found this helpful
Carol Hernandez –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great formula
I actually purchased this to supplement since I mainly breastfeed. It was recommended on the top 10 baby formulas on Babylist so I tried it out since it’s flavor is said to be very close to breast milk. Never had an issue feeding it to my baby. She’s been on it 4 months so far and it’s a great price !
Amazon Customer –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Earths best really is the best! Love my grandbabies!
Top quality Organic baby formula!With all these food, non-food and baby formula shortages…We had to order from two different places. Thank you earths best for me concerned and loving grandmother. Keep it coming
colleen –
5.0 out of 5 stars
The only formula we used for our baby
We loved this product for our baby. She loved it too! We recommended to many and all have had positive experiences with this product and brand.
Private Profile –
3.0 out of 5 stars
There Are Better Healthier Options….. {RR}
We used this formula for our first daughter six years ago because I thought it was our best option and it likely was. I was both nursing and bottle feeding at the time. For whatever reason, it turned her poop bright green. Sometimes lime green, sometimes forest green, sometimes charcoal green. It wasn’t my breast milk because when I started exclusively breastfeeding at six weeks; all of that stopped. She als was pretty gassy, aka: colicky as well while on it.Fast forward six years and we finally found one I love. We tried Earth Best again (as well as Baby’s Only) and the same green poop and upset gassy stomach came back so we ditched it for something better. It is Holle. A formula made in Germany using biodynamic organic farming. Our second child has absolutely no reactions to it at all. In fact, the poop looks like EBF formula. The same company also makes a goat milk version if needed. But we didn’t need it. I am terribly lactose intolerant myself and my first daughter was as well. Because of the Demeter cows that are used, it is a different type of lactose than what we typically find in American dairy cows. Formula in the USA is really the pits. It is as though they just don’t know how to make a good decent high quality formula, even the so called organic ones. Why are they so awful on baby’s digestive systems!?I decided to give this company three stars because I do appreciate the organic movement effort. But I highly recommend they check out Holle and Hipp and also start looking into the type of cows being used to further alleviate the digestive upsets.{RR} “Real Review Stamp: I was NOT given this product for free nor am I affiliated with the company.”
14 people found this helpful
Jenee Ward –
5.0 out of 5 stars
My Boobie baby LOVES!
This formula is a little more pricey than your average formula. I did a ton of research on recalls of other formulas and was happy to find this one. This product had wonderful reviews and since my son was a being breastfed I wanted something as natural as possible. He chows down on this stuff. Other formula brands have since had recalls due to death of stomach rot, so I am thankful that I found a formala that I can trust with my child’s life!
5 people found this helpful
Amy B. –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great on sensitive tummies
My son was a very ineffective nurser, and lost too much weight in the beginning, so we ended up having to supplement with formula. At the hospital, they gave us some ready to eat similac, and it was terrible. He threw up almost every time we fed it to him, and the stuff looked and smelled terrible — thick, dark, sticky, and overly sweet. We try to go as organic as possible, so as soon as we found out we had to give our son formula, we searched for a good organic.This seems to be great. It doesn’t have that overly sweet smell to it that the similac had. In fact, my husband being the curious creature that he is has tasted both, and says that the Earth’s Best is much better. It just looks and smells much more like something that you should give a baby. WE also have very few problems with him spitting up with this formula. He is now strictly a formula baby, and gaining weight above and beyond what his doctor had hoped to see.I order the formula through Amazon Subscribe and Save. It saves a bunch of money (which is pretty nice at $30 a can!) and it’s automatically shipped to me every month (I get 4 cans a month, but plan on upping that as his appetite increases), and don’t have to worry about running out and having to make those late-night emergency runs to the store. I love Amazon!
3 people found this helpful
karen l collins –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Organic and no corn syrup.
Higher fat content than many helps baby feel satisfied. No corn syrup. Mostly good oils, but unfortunately, palm oil is in there too. Amazon seems to have this in stock for a good price, when local stores do not.
4 people found this helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars
I have some serious concerns about this product
I have purchased this product MANY times, but somewhat recently I have started to notice major red flags.First off, I normally bought this product from stores like Target or Whole Foods and never had any issues. However, it was cheaper on Amazon, so I started ordering the product regularly from here.Over time, I started to notice that the consistency of the formula was wildly different across orders—it would be super foamy at times, and other times, it would be chunky. I brushed it off, thinking it was all in my head.But then I began to notice something quite disgusting—the SMELL. Some batches have a distinct FISHY smell. I read that this can be a sign that the formula is SPOILED.This set off alarm bells for me—recently, my child has had some serious digestion issues (persistent diarrhea and/or constipation) which seemingly came out of nowhere.I am very concerned that this is either NOT a legitimate Earth’s Best product or a very OLD batch of the product. For instance, my canister says “50% MORE” at the top, yet the product images I see on Amazon and elsewhere say “52% MORE”. You can’t tell from the picture, but the canister label is FADED, not bright red.In hindsight, I realized I overlooked a number of really concerning things about this product. I was wrong to trust that infant products would be treated with the utmost care. I encourage everyone to do their due diligence, and if something seems wrong—don’t ignore it as I did.Another concerning thing: the number of five-star reviews including “global reviews” is suspiciously high—it seems extremely unlikely to me that so many people outside of the US would be ordering this formula. I question how many of these reviews are real.
112 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Best quality and value
I use this formula and mix it with baby’s only formula about 1/2-1/2. They are both my favorite so I use both. I did a lot of research cause really I would have breastfed for 2 years but I dried up at 6 months cause I got pregnant again. Kinda heartbreaking but I did a lot of research and found this brand to be one of the only ones that use water to extract the DHA instead of hexane. I literally called up all the companies of many baby formulas and asked many questions. I’m addition it’s organic, grassfed, non GMO. They used to use corn syrup solids but they no longer do so if you see ingredients list that like in Walmart it’s just an outdated website description and when you order it you will see the ingredients on the container will NOT have corn syrup solids. This brand diaper is also the very best organic diaper in my opinion. Baby’s only formula extracts DHA from egg yolk and my baby loves her eggs so I like that too, that’s why I mix them.
68 people found this helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great Organic Formula
I have been getting the red canister for my child and have been keeping this formula down for months. Other formulas seem to be to a fine powder and this one is a bit thicker. A tip for making this brand is to use the cap on the bottle after adding the water and formula and shake it. I noticed have the nipple on the bottle and then shaking the bottle caused clumps in the formula and would clog the hole in the nipple causing issues for the child to eat. The flavor is bland like all formulas out there. I first heard earth’s best was one of the better brands if you are looking for one that is not Gerber or one of the other major brands.
2 people found this helpful
Francesca –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Three babies have thrived on this formula
Unable to nurse exclusively, I have reared three babies on this formula and they have all thrived on it. All have exceeded growth and weight goals, including preemies. Slight disclaimer, my twins were preemies and we had them on a preemie formula they were given in the NICU for the first 6 weeks but then switched to Earth’s Best as soon as we got the go ahead from our pediatrician and their tummies were able to handle a formula change. couple of our babies had major spit-up/GERD problems but this formula did not seem to negatively affect the condition (having tried switching to other formulas with no improvement and switching back). I chose this formula due to it being organic. When my oldest was an infant, I was slightly concerned about the DHA manufacturing process but if that is a concern, I see the brand now has a DHA free version. My oldest who is now 7 did not have any apparent negative side effects from the DHA.
7 people found this helpful
Tonie –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Absolutely recommend!
I used this formula when I ran out of breastmilk for my second child. He had no problems with his stomach or transitioning from breastmilk to this formula, honestly I don’t think he even noticed or cared! I trust this brand over any other brand on the market!
One person found this helpful
Miss Black Eyeliner 🎶 –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Has never constipated my boy the way Similac did.
This is the only formula my baby wouldn’t puke up or become massively constipated. In the beginning of the switch he absolutely could tell the difference, he hated enfamil, he’d never finish those bottles. Earth’s Best he sucked down faster than I’ve ever seen him eat. He’s been on this formula since he was 2.5 months, he’s 5.5 now. I had a huge problem producing breast milk. I just felt if he couldn’t be a milk baby, that I would spend whatever it took to find a good quality organic formula. I tried a few but this is the best, I’ve never looked back. Similac used to constipate him so badly he wouldn’t poop for a week, we would have to do stomach massage while he was eating. He has gained weight normally since switching. I doesn’t smell like total nastiness, though it does have a metallic smell, all formula does, it’s the minerals. It also doesn’t taste horrible either. Whenever I got Similac in my mouth I wanted to puke. This honestly is the best tasting formula I’ve ever accidentally tasted. That’s saying something. I’ve compared this to other bigger name brands ingredients, obviously all formula is regulated but it does have. More vitamins and minerals per serving than some of the big brands. The only issues I have1. I wish they’d give out coupons, sign up on the website and you get ONE coupon, that you Must print out. You cannot use it online, you cannot pull. It up on your phone and scan it.2. The price was definitely a bit cheaper last month [July 2020] it’s increased a bit… Though I could be wrong, Amazon may have had it on promo.I like that I can order it with my SNAP benefits now, it really helps so much that I don’t need to pay an extra 15 dollars at target for the same can. Amazon is absolutely the way to go.If you can get it through Walmart.Com I do believe it is slightly cheaper…. But when I tried to order it, pay for it in the store there was some reason why you just couldn’t pay in person for that item. Didn’t make sense.
9 people found this helpful
Carrie Baldwin –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Quality ingredients
My baby loves it and the ingredients seem so much healthier than the average formula.
Keith Clemmons –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Best organic choice for the $
Baby loved it
Charlie massad –
5.0 out of 5 stars
The only formula we buy
Izamar castorena –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Very good
Muy buen producto muy buen precio tiene y la mayoria de sus ingredientes son Buenos, mi bebe le sintio bien no le causo games ni nada malo , hasta le ayudo en su digestion , es buen producto
J Rubio –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Formula arrived quick
Everything went well with the order. Only thing is that one of the cans was a bit beat up when I got them. The formula was sealed reason why I kept it. Other than that I’m happy with this product.
One person found this helpful
Mary Anna –
5.0 out of 5 stars
My favorite cow’s milk formula, much much better than Similac/Enfamil!!
If you are considering switching, I encourage you to go for it! I had twin boys that were born prematurely, and we tried quite a few of the mainstream formulas. Similac and Enfamil made them incredibly sick, even the so-called “sensitive” or “gentle” versions, they were constantly spitting up and having constipation and then diarrhea that smelled disgusting and was dark green. As soon as we switched to Earth’s Best, I noticed a difference in the amount of spit up and their stools became more regular and more of a yellowish color. (Still had some constipation, but definitely improved.) They were more comfortable after feedings and they ate better on this formula. They have gained weight at double the average rate at which most preemies gain. If you are considering switching and your children can tolerate cow’s milk, I highly recommend this formula! It was a big help to me when I was suddenly unable to breastfeed after an early birth and long hospital stay for them in the NICU. (We are switching for a little bit to try out goat milk formula, as I think they might have some sensitivity to cow’s milk. Fyi, I haven’t tried the Earth’s Best sensitive formula, just the regular dairy in the red can.) Earth’s Best is easy to find in stores in case you need it in a pinch (also a bonus!), but I found it most affordable when I would buy the 35 oz can on Amazon. In my area, it is sold at Wal-Mart, Kroger, and Walgreens. Also, the price per ounce is pretty close to what we paid for Similac, which is awesome for a good, organic, non-gmo baby formula. From what I understand, they have also improved ingredients through the years, which tells me this company is truly concerned about providing clean, healthy food for our babies! (I read some older reviews where people were voicing concern about some ingredients, then checked the label and saw that they were no longer included.)
31 people found this helpful
jzinsd –
2.0 out of 5 stars
We thought we were doing our best
My wife and I thought we were doing our baby a favor by going organic. We switched from Similac to this formula and it’s hard to say if the issues we had were because of this formula….after a 10 day half and half schedule we noticed less pooping and violent screaming after eating. Since this is our first two kids (twins) we can’t say if it’s the formula but something didn’t seem right. Then a friend emailed about the controversy of the synthetic additives in this formula…do your own research, but we have since switched to Baby’s Only (too early to tell if it’s cured the issues) and we feel better we have steered clear of the fact we might be doing more harm than good. So frustrating! Here is some info to help in your research.Seems are some issues with DHA/ ARA additives. EB’s Ingredient List below… have you looked at Baby’s Only?Earth’s Best: Earth’s Best <[...]> is the leading organic baby food manufacturer. The company is owned by Horizon (which is owned by Dean Foods ) and offers both dairy and soy based organic infant formulas. Earth’s Best uses organic lactose from cows, so if you are concerned about your baby having problems with lactose intolerance, this formula might not be the best option.Baby’s Only: Baby’s Only from Nature’s One <[...]> comes as both dairy, lactose free, and soy organic formulas. Baby’s Only uses brown rice syrup, a higher quality and more complex carbohydrate, when compared to lactose. It’s also less likely to cause an blood sugar spikes or problems with food allergies.Earth’s Best – Organic Infant Formula with DHA & ARA – IngredientsOrganic Reduced Minerals Whey, Organic Vegetable Oils (Palm Or Palm Olein, High Oleic (Safflower Or Sunflower),Coconut, Soy), Organic Nonfat Milk, Organic Lactose, And Less Than 1%: Crypthecodinium Cohnii Oil (Docosahexaenoic Acid), Mortierella Alpina Oil (Arachidonic Acid), Soy Lecithin, Minerals: (Calcium Chloride, Calcium Hydroxide, Cupric Sulfate, Ferrous Sulfate, Manganese Sulfate, Potassium Bicarbonate, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Hydroxide, Potassium Iodide, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Selenite, Zinc Sulfate), Taurine, Vitamins: Ascorbic Acid, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Beta-Carotene, Biotin, Calcium Pantothenate, Choline Chloride, Cyanocobalamin, Folic Acid, Inositol, Mixed Tocopherol Concentrate, Niacinamide, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Thiamin Hydrochloride, Vitamin A Palmitate, Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (Dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate), Vitamin K (Phytonadione), Nucleotides: Adenosine-5′-Monophosphate, Cytidine-5′-Monophosphate, Disodium Guanosine-5′-Monophosphate, Disodium Inosine-5′-Monophosphate, Disodium Uridine-5′-Monophosphate.Baby’s Only Lactose free – IngredientsOrganic Brown Rice Syrup, Organic Milk Protein Concentrate, Organic High Oleic Sunflower Oil, Organic Soybean Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, Monopotassium Phosphate, Calcium Phosphate, Potassium Citrate, Organic Soy Lecithin, Organic Vanilla, Dimagnesium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride, Calcium Ascorbate (Vit. C), Calcium Citrate, Choline Bitartrate, Taurine, Ferrous Sulfate, Inositol, Natural Vitamin E Acetate, Zinc Sulfate, Niacinamide, Vitamin A Palmitate, Calcium Pantothenate, Thiamin Hydrochloride (Vit. B1), Copper Sulfate, Riboflavin (Vit. B2), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vit. B6), Folic Acid, Phylloquinone (Vit. K1), Potassium Iodide, Sodium Selenate, Biotin, Vitamin D3, Cyanocobalamin (Vit. B12).Pediatric Health NewsBPA & Melamine is Undetected in Nature,s One® ProductsInfant FormulaUSDA Cracks Down on Synthetic DHA Fatty Acids in Organic Milk <[...]is moving to eliminate two synthetic additives widely found in organic baby formula and organic milk..DHA and ARA Risk for Infants Report <[...] - details research questioning the alleged benefits of adding novel omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, produced in laboratories and extracted from algae and fungus, into infant formulas. The report presents disturbing research indicating that the new additives placed in infant formula are seriously endangering the health of some formula-fed newborns and toddlers.Mercury in Corn Syrup [...]Baby,s Only Organic® & PediaSmart® do NOT Contain Corn - Ask Dr. Sears [...] - should infants receive vitamin supplements? Well, that depends. This article by Doctor Sears reviews what may or may not be necessary for a breast fed infant or a formula fed infant.Are There Health Implications for Soy Infant Formula [...] - recent research from the University of Arkansas supports findings that soy formulas support normal growth and may have bone health benefitswhat i dont get is how Earths Best still has this in its formula - it was banned in April by gov..and side effects have been documented since 4/09Also learned that USDA Organic - means minimum 95 % organic ingredients - not 100%from [...]Over the past few years, infant formula manufacturers have raised their prices after adding Martek oils to their products. With the exception of some prescription formulas, available with approval from pediatricians, only one over-the-counter formula is available without synthetic DHA/ARA, Baby,s Only, an organic product manufactured by Nature,s One in Columbus, Ohio.After today,s official announcement by the USDA, all other organic formula manufacturers will need to remove Martek,s oils from their products, Cornucopia,s Vallaeys stated.In the meantime, The Cornucopia Institute also has filed petitions with the FDA requesting that their Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) designation for the Martek oils be revoked.When Martek,s additives were originally granted GRAS status, it was with extreme reservations on the part of the FDA review panel because of adverse reactions to these oils said Valleys. When we reviewed FOIA documents, we were astonished to find that none of the infant formula manufacturers had complied with the FDA,s request to monitor adverse reactions and perform post-market surveillance of these materials.The manufacturing process for Martek,s oils likely includes genetically engineered organisms and neurotoxic synthetic solvents, which are both explicitly banned in organic production. According documents submitted by Martek to the FDA, the process to make their oils includes growing algae and fungus in a medium that is made primarily of dextrose derived from corn, yeast extract or a hydrolyzed vegetable protein, which is usually derived from soybeans. Given that the vast majority of corn and soybean products in the food supply are produced through genetic engineering, the likelihood that Martek,s DHA and ARA oils are grown in a medium of genetically engineered organisms is almost certain. The use of genetic engineering is, of course, strictly prohibited in organics.UPDATE - Ok we are 10 days in and our twins are much much happier. We did 3 days of half and half and decided to fully switch to Baby's Only. The intense screaming after eating has stopped and now both our girls are more regular. They go once every one to two days vs every 5 to 6. Much less fussy and happier overall. Was it the formula change or just a stage they went through? Maybe a little bit of both, but there is no doubt I'd never use Earth's Best again....nothing worse than seeing both your daughters screaming after eating especially when you thought you were buying something good for them....they need to remove that crap from this product. 152 people found this helpful
Nosila –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Worked great for my son, no issues.
So yes, this formula was great in that it didn’t cause gas and spit-ups are at the minimum, but it does have Palm oils which I’m naturally not a fan of. I will say I love that there’s no high fructose corn syrup/corn syrup and compared to some other easily accessible formulas this is top tier. Definitely recommend.
4 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Save Money $$
The media could not be loaded.
Looking back I don’t know why I was so afraid to buy formula online. I believe this is a great value and parents should consider buying in bulk from Amazon or risk spending extra money at your local store five stars I’ll be back!
One person found this helpful
Jake & Kristina Harris –
5.0 out of 5 stars
I love this product…
The media could not be loaded.
However I’m not too pleased with our friendly neighborhood delivery drivers at the moment 😒 🙄 😑 🙃I get that yall are hot and irritated but don’t take your frustration out on my child’s food that I pay hard earned money for. Thankss
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Marcy –
5.0 out of 5 stars
We love Earths best!
This is my 2nd go around using Earths Best & I wouldn’t use any other formula! The best!
One person found this helpful
klg –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great product!
I buy this for my friends 7 month old. He loves it. And you CANT BEAT AMAZONS PRICE ANYWHERE ELSE!!
One person found this helpful
Shannon –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Try it!
I’m fairly new to formula. I breastfed my first for 12 months, and with this baby I’ve only tried this formula, pumped milk and Similac. I started with this formula, then decided to switch to Similac because it was a bit cheaper. When we made the switch, my daughter stopped pooping and started spitting up copious amounts of formula. I tried alternating between pumped milk and the Similac and she still didn’t poop, just got more and more uncomfortable and was still puking after every formula feeding. She had no problems before this. This went on for 48 hours of baths and bicycling her feet and fussy feedings. We finally got the next order or Earth’s Best in the mail and I made her a bottle — she literally emptied out over the next half hour. I’m talking pools of poop in her diaper. She seems to like the taste despite a bit of a fishy smell that some reviewers mentioned.I’m now a firm believer that there is no perfect, one-size-fits-all formula. While some people complained about this formula constipating their child or irritating their stomach, it seems to help keep things flowing for my baby and she keeps it down very well. All this to say, take reviews with a grain of salt, and if you really want to see how it works, see about getting a sample or purchase a case and give it a go. I highly recommend giving it a try if nothing else for the quality of ingredients!
43 people found this helpful
Mark Wolter –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great formula
Have been giving this to the baby for about 3 months. She does not seem to have any problems with it and finishes her bottle each time.
MadiFJ –
5.0 out of 5 stars
A life saver! Organic, affordable, and the first ingredient is lactose
I was not planning on using formula so I didn’t do any research into which I would choose if we were to use it. Until I had a screaming newborn and little to no breast milk and was panicking trying to research the best formula and make the best decision for her. I ended up ordering formula from Germany, but since that was not a sustainable or affordable option, I needed to find a better option. I scoured websites, reviews, rankings, and research literature and was so overwhelmed. I wanted something organic, safe, affordable, wouldn’t upset her stomach, and one without sugar as the first ingredient. Surprisingly hard to find! We tried a few others and for one reason or another, they weren’t a great fit for us.And then I saw another reviewer on here saying she bought formula from Germany first and then went with this one afterwards so I thought I would give it a try. And I am SO glad we did! This has been a god-send. I feel comfortable giving it to my daughter, it doesn’t upset her stomach, and she loves it! Absolutely loves it- she smiles and giggles when she sees me shake up a bottle (unfortunately this didn’t help my breastfeeding quest and she much prefers the bottle). But I am so thankful to Earths Best for making an affordable and healthy organic option made with lactose. I just wish I could buy it in even bigger bulk quantities and at Costco (lol). Also, it doesn’t smell nearly as much as some other formulas.. and that is important to note. Highly recommend.
78 people found this helpful
Dionne DeMarines –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Good organic choice for your baby
I have 4 kids and was an avid breast feeder. After my second I started having hormone issues but didn’t want to give up breast feeding so I sucked it up bc formula was not an option. I got pregnant and the situation for worse and had to stop when he was 20 months. I had my 3rd and hoped it the problem wouldn’t happen again but it did. Again I pushed through till he was 10 months and could no longer after being advised by my dr that I had to stop. I researched organic formulas bc I knew it was the best next thing to breast milk and I was having major mom guilt. I have used earth best baby foods with all my kids so I went that route when researching formulas. I had to stop him cold turkey with breast milk and started this formula. It was like he didn’t even notice it didn’t effect his vowel movements or make him gassy or none of the above that other formulas do. I had my fourth and new even attempting breast feeding would not be healthy for me at the point I was at so I took to this formula again and same result. No stomach pains no discomfort after feeding and soft normal bowel movements. I just used the como tomo bottles that mimic a boob which I also highly recommend.
2 people found this helpful
Jenn Christensen –
5.0 out of 5 stars
No upset tummy
My 7 month old loved this formula right away and didn’t have any issues with it!
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Daphne Duplessis –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Good for baby belly
I put my son on this when my milk production dwindled when he was 6 months. He liked it a lot. I didn’t have any digestive issues or anything with him on it. I would recommend this. It can be hard to find in stores.
One person found this helpful
Jacey –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Inconsistant product
I’m frustrated with this products inconsistancy. The first batch we bought was ridiculously foamy (half of the bottle was foam) and it took her forever to finish her bottles because of this. We decided to stick with it because it was the only formula she hadn’t cried while using and the only one that didn’t give her extremely loose stools. The next batch we got didn’t foam at all and we thought… well maybe the first batch had something wrong with it. We were thrilled she was making it through bottles faster but then she started having VERY hard stools and was crying while trying to go to the bathroom. We decided to try another organic brand which ended up upsetting her stomach so we went back to this brand (reluctantly) thinking well maybe the second batch we got was bad. This third batch is incredibly foamy but not as foamy as the first batch. At least she isn’t constipated and having hard stools like she did with the second batch but the inconsistency is very annoying because we don’t know what the fourth batch will bring.*Update* We’ve tried at least 10 different types of formula and since this is the only one that doesn’t give our baby diarrhea, we have stuck with it. However, it still causes her to have very hard stools so we have to mix it with a small amount of one of the other formulas (about an 80/20 mix) to make it so she isn’t miserable.
32 people found this helpful
bstormpw –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Good Stuff
It is hard to mix with a spoon, but is no problem to mix with a wisk. The instructions say to use warm water. I prefer not to do that because I mix a larger batch in the morning to mix with my breastmilk for my son to have at daycare while I’m at work. If it’s warm I think it can spoil faster. I use cold water filtered with a Brita. Again, even cold, it is no problem to mix with a wisk.I chose this formula because the sugar is milk based versus cane based. I had my son on Organic Similac before, but then read about the sucrose and how it rots teeth quicker than any sugar. Similac also has plastic packaging. They may have switched to plastic without BPA, but I wasn’t able to confirm that, and preferred the formulation of Earth’s Best anyway. Earth’s Best’s can is cardboard with a plastic top.Initially my son seemed gassier (and stinkier) than usual, but it went away, so I don’t know if it was from the formula and he got used to it, or not.Amazon has the best price online, and any store around me. It is even cheaper when you put it on subscription, which I did after trying two cans to make sure it worked out well for my baby.
5 people found this helpful
mimio –
5.0 out of 5 stars
The ONLY formula to use!
No one had told me about this product because I am breastfeeding, but when I realized I was going to supplement at night I wanted to find a formula that would work well with breastfeeding. I tried everything on the market and all of them had added sugars and made my baby boy extra gassy and some even gave him a rash. I started reading reviews and found out about Earth’s Best. It is amazing! It smells good, it lessened his gassiness and he absolutely loves the taste. I predominatey breastfeed, but the two bottles he gets a day are always Earth’s Best…you won’t be disapointed. (Too much sugar and carbs in the others).I guess people did not understand my reference to carbs, strangely. I am speaking about the carbs in the vast majority of baby formulas on the market. They are not complex carbs and they are processeds with loads of white sugar and synthetic starches that are made in labs in china. My point was that although Earth’s Best is more expensive than the other formulas on the market, it is a valuable investment. Breast milk first and foremost, but Earth’s Best in my opinion is the next best thing because of its quality production. I am sorry if this was not clear.
14 people found this helpful
Laura0806 –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Breastmilk supply dropped in the evenings, supplemented with this
I have had a really difficult time coming to terms with the fact that I can no longer exclusively nurse my 9 month old son due to my supply substantially dropping. He wasn’t receiving the caloric intake he needed in the late afternoon to evening, which kept us up all night long because his belly would never be full enough to hold him over until morning. I started (very begrudgingly, at first), supplementing with this formula. I was worried he would balk at the taste or that it would upset his stomach. I’m here to report that neither happened. He gulped this down with a huge smile on his face and our lives carried on like normal. And then, a few days later, a wonderful thing happened: he started sleeping. I love that this product is organic, non-GMO, and the closest to breastmilk that I can possibly provide. No more guilty feelings: just longer stretches of sleep, which make me a better mama to my babies.
7 people found this helpful
Hannah –
4.0 out of 5 stars
My baby loves this milk
All I can say is that this organic milk is the only milk my baby drinks. She didn’t like any other milk coz this one doesn’t get thick when you shake it or make too many bubbles. You get what you pay for. It is close to breastmilk and it taste really good.
3 people found this helpful
destiny –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Best organic formula
Love this formula wish it was a little cheaper but it is a great product and my son loves it. It doesn’t make him throw up like other formulas do even organic ones
2 people found this helpful
Maria Tanton –
5.0 out of 5 stars
My son’s life change!
When I first had my son, I had planned on breastfeeding and I was not ready to start making decisions on formula. Having an emergency repair surgery changed all my plans. My son was enflamil for a few months as I assumed what the hospital was giving me was best. He hadn’t tried anything so with a few irritations I thought it was the amount he had vs his reaction to it. Earth’s best took away his spitting up, he even burps on his own. He has good energy, loves his milk, gets so excited to eat and most of all it’s free of corn syrup and oils I don’t like! My son sleeps so peaceful bc of his formula change to Earth’s Best. It truly is Earth’s best formula and we are eternally grateful!
4 people found this helpful
Esin –
5.0 out of 5 stars
My baby loved!!!
My baby loved it. I tried another formula but Earth’s best is the best choice. He didn’t have gas problem since 7 months.
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Dana –
4.0 out of 5 stars
I buy Lebenswert for a reason and it dissolves like a dream
I bought this as an emergency can (1 day shipping-thanks Prime!) because my normal formula got delayed in shipping. This review is in comparison to our normal brand, Lebenswert. It’s satisfactory and my baby doesn’t discriminate between the formulas. However, the iron slightly constipated her (somewhat expected) but my biggest gripe is that the formula doesn’t dissolve as well. I buy Lebenswert for a reason and it dissolves like a dream. I had multiple bottles where this Earths Best was all clumpy in the bottom. When I thought it was dissolved propperly I’d come to find the bottle empty but a big clump in the nipple or stuck to the side. I suppose I’d buy this again in an emergency, but not as a primary formula. The price point $ was fair though.
4 people found this helpful
Colton HaakerColton Haaker –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Love this stuff!
We were sent home with liquid formula because my little one had a tongue and lip tie. When we ran out of the stuff from the hospital we got the same brand in powder form. She instantly started to spit up a lot. I reached out to a gf of mine who I knew formula fed and she recommended this stuff. Our girl has loved it from the get go. We did breast feed for a few months, but since I dried up we switched back to formula, specifically this formula. She never spits up and we are happy with the ingredients. It is also very convenient that you can purchase the formula on here and subscribe and save!
2 people found this helpful
Mia Rodriguez –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Less mom guilt
My supply is too low to exclusively breastfeed. I had soooo much guilt admitting that I needed to supplement feed. Once I found this formula I felt less guilty. Good organic ingredients that I feel comfortable giving my baby. Worth the price for the piece of mind that the ingredients are clean.
11 people found this helpful
Tina –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Not perfect, but very close
We used this formula for our first two babies, and they both loved it. Neither had gas issues with it, although I know each baby is different.We ordered this formula through the subscribe and save program, and it was wonderful. It saved us about $5-8 per can and we never had to make a last-minute run to the store. I wish we could have ordered more than 3 cans per month through the subscription program though. We often had to adjust our subscription order before the month was over. It would have been nice to order 4 cans per month automatically. Fortunately, we never received any dented cans like other reviewers had and we usually received the order within a few days (at the latest).The only negative things I will say is that we cut our fingers/hands on the edges of these cans at first, and we quickly learned to be more careful. It would have been better if the manufacturer designed the can a little differently. Also, sometimes the scoop was buried in the formula, so it would have been more convenient if they had the scoop attach to the lid like some other manufacturers do. This was not a big deal because we always had the scoop from the previous can.Separately, my oldest (around 3 years old) just started to get repulsed by the smell of her baby sister’s formula recently, only if they are sitting VERY closely together. I don’t know if it is just this brand or all baby formulas. Fortunately, if they are sitting at the breakfast table (a couple of feet away), it is not a problem. It is also not a problem when they are both in the back of the car.
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Crystal p.Crystal p. –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Damaged and no help
My package was delivered damaged. One of the seals was broken on the cans. Powder everywhere and when I went to make a complaint it says the item is not eligible for return or replacement which is so ridiculous. I’ve ordered before with no issue so I’m super disappointed. I’ll amend my comment if the problem is resolved.
One person found this helpful
Tiffany –
5.0 out of 5 stars
The best
I taste what goes into my baby. The smell and taste of this formula is natural. Compare this to Similac or other brand name formulas and it smells like chemicals. My baby loved this milk when she was on formula. Highly recommended.
One person found this helpful
Jennifer Talley –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Never an issue!
Used this for my daughter 6 years ago and again now for my son. They both have taken it really well! Just wish they would sell the bigger cans on Amazon!
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Juliette K. –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Best option from all the ones in the U.S. Market.
From all the other options loaded with harsh ingredients for our babies, I would say this one is the best. It smells great and I would recommend it. I tried many from Enfamil, Similac and Gerber but my son had stomach issues the first 2 months and was placed on medications for reflux. No mom wants to give meds to a newborn so I kept researching until I finally decided to turn to my roots and ordered an European manufactured formula. Within 2 days the issues were gone and he was never given meds again. The issue was the shipping waiting time and cost, so when I ran out of formula I was forced to try the left over boxes I had from previous big orders I made. He refused all of them and was starving. I decided to give this one a try, and it smelled very pleasantly similar to the European formula and he took it immediately. My recommendation for any new mom is don’t take the doctor’s diagnose of reflux and cow’s milk allergy immediately. Do your research before you put you baby on drugs at such a young age and destroy his/her stomach. My son has not had any issues after the second month and has no allergies or digestive problems. If I didn’t turn to the European formula, I would have used this one the entire time, because it was the closest one and had no side effects for my baby.
4 people found this helpful
L. Woods –
4.0 out of 5 stars
The best option out there
I didn’t use organic for my older kids, as it wasn’t really available then. With # 3, it was a must. After researching formulas, we started with Similac organic since it is easiest to find in stores. We were supplementing with formula, so I wasn’t overly concerned about the sugar. After a few weeks, we noticed that our baby was regularly constipated, and it took about a week (and reading reviews on amazon) to put it together. I moved over to Earth’s best and within days, she was back to normal. I couldn’t believe it!That said, I do have a one small problem with this formula. Because of the source of the DHA, the formula has a faint fishy smell. We had one horrible can recently that smelled disgusting. I figured that I got a bad batch and called the company. The formula rep called me back and explained that the formula was fine, but the smell can sometimes be unpleasant. My baby wouldn’t drink it! They were very nice to deal with and refunded my money. I also looked online and read that Earth’s best was pulled from the shelves in 2007 for the same problem. From what I learned, cans that sit on shelves too long can get that smell. I had to go to 4 stores to find another can, since the local Target only had cans from the lot with the funny smell.All in all, I am happy with Earth’s best and will continue to use it.
6 people found this helpful
YH –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Cleaner than most but hard on my baby’s stomach
I picked this brand because the ingredients are cleaner than most other US formula brands. They still need to get rid of the palm oil though. My baby was on Enfamil initially but she had a lot of gas and was crying almost all the time. When we switched to Earth’s Best things got a lot better.But I still felt like the formula was hard on my baby’s stomach. Sometimes she would wake up from her nap in pain. So I ended up switching to an ultra gentle formula and now she’s doing a lot better.
9 people found this helpful
Vi N. –
1.0 out of 5 stars
According to Amazon, 1 star means “I hate it.” If so then this product deserve 0 star. I can’t believe that something like this formula has gotten such raved reviews. I can’t believe something like this formula is approved to be sold. It should be taken off the shelf. “I hate it” doesn’t suffice.As a new first time dad, I try to look for the best stuff for my daughter. We had her on Similac Organic for about 2 weeks when I found out about the high sugar content so I looked for another organic formula that was ‘better’. Tried this one based on the reviews here and a few other parenting sites. I knew it wasn’t ‘perfect’ but it seems to be the best one on Amazon.I ordered and shipped it 2 days eager to get it into my daughter’s belly. She started on it Wed morning. Thurs night she had a poop. She was in so much pain she was screaming her head off turning red. Not your normal “baby cry” wah wah wah. This cry was different. This cry was on another level.This was “WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME, WHY DOES IT HURT SO BAD !?! OH GOD IT HURTS !!! MAKE IT STOP DAD !!” type of cry.When she was done, I immediately “dug in” and checked the poop. SOLID. All her previous poops have been soft mushy mash potato textured poop. This one felt a bit like old playdough. It was even more solid than my own poop. No wonder she was in so much pain.The ONLY thing different was this formula.I wasn’t 100% sure though, so I wanted to give it another try and kept her on it. Fast forward to Friday night. After 2-3 day on this formula. It happened again. Another screaming painful poop that turned her red and had her shaking like she was having seizures. We were so scared she was going to give herself a hemorrhoid pushing so hard. Even after the poop was done and she had new diapers on, she was still shaking. We examined the new poop, and again it was solid.NO MORE. We’re going back to Similac until I can find a better option.This review might sound harsh but its coming from a very angry dad right now. I feel like I indirectly caused her to go through that pain because I made the choice to try this. I feel like a huge f’ up. Just a warning to all the parents out there that are thinking about trying this formula, do your kid a favor, and DONT BUY IT.
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Sae –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Go to!
My son (who just turned one) used this formula from one month old to now. We had no issues at all with him physically on this formula. I would say it does foam up when shook but there is a great solution to this….stir don’t shake!!! Water needs to be a little hotter then warm and just stir. Worked like a charm!
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