From the manufacturer
API Bettafix Betta Medication
Treat and heal wounds, diseases and infections with API BETTAFIX Antibacterial & Antifungal Betta Fish Infection and Fungus Treatment.
API Aquarium Treatment Supplies are designed to work in conjunction with each other to provide best results to control algae, promote healthy bacterial growth and help control and cure fish diseases and conditions such as ich and fin rot.
Reduce aquarium maintenance by creating a naturally balanced aquarium with API STRESS ZYME Freshwater and Saltwater Aquarium Cleaning Solution.
Seth –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Keywords: It Works!
So some idiot at work bought 2 male Bettas and put them in the same tank. One was a tiny koi and the other a large Betta. Miraculously the koi survived and began to even thrive. He’s a beautiful fish but his fins had been pecked and some areas suffered severe rot. My fellow employee quit and I inherited the care of this odd couple. The koi is bigger than the Betta now. And the two live in a larger, filtered tank with ornaments and gravel and space to get away from one another. I needed to heal up the koi’s fins and bought this product to try. Three days after starting therapy the Koi had a clear gelatinous haze covering most of his fins. I used my phone to zoom in and discovered the fins were already growing back and the haze was basically like a scab protecting and feeding the new fin growth. He looks awful, but he’s healing and getting stronger every day. I highly recommend this product. But DO NOT put two male Bettas in the same tank. It just ain’t a good idea.
6 people found this helpful
Christina –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Worked like a charm
My beta had become very lethargic, hiding in his cave and his fins were clamped and showed signs of fin rot. My initial thought when I opened the bottle of Beta Fix was that it smelled like Vicks (and we all know Vicks cures everything! lol). The very next morning my beta was up and swimming around and after 7 days his fins were fully open and he is back to his normal inquisitive self.
2 people found this helpful
Melissa –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Awesome Fish Meds
Our little bubble bee betta fish wasnt looking as beautiful lately and I noticed his fins looked curled in and his tail looked torn and after doing some research he didnt look like he had fin rot but at the same time did so I decided to go ahead and treat him for it and I can definitely say he has fin rot. I started him on this medication on Saturday 8/19 and today 8/22 his fin isn’t as curled, tail still looks the same but I read that can take some time to grow back! I will definitely post some before and after photos after treatment is done but so far this is working! He is way more active and not hiding out in the corner like before! We have had him since March so hoping we can get many more months with him!
6 people found this helpful
Amazon Customer –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Buen producto
Mis betas tenían como brotes en la piel y con este medicamento junto con Melafix están curados
One person found this helpful
D. Sarnovsky –
5.0 out of 5 stars
WOW! Really works!
I didn’t think to take before and after pics because I didn’t think this would really work. It did though! It worked amazingly well. My betta improved significantly in one week and he was like an entirely new fish in two. Would buy again for sure! Highly recommend!
2 people found this helpful
ciara –
5.0 out of 5 stars
not for fin rot just for regeneration of new fins or healing cuts
helps regenerate fins NOT FOR FIN ROT PLEASE GET ANTIBIOTICS PLEASE SEACHEM CARRIES GREAT ONES! works good it’s basically just tea tree extract not for 30+ gallon tanks honestly its a small bottle. this is not an antibiotic
3 people found this helpful
Julie E –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Brought betta back to life
My betta was at the bottom of his tank, so still that I thought he had died. I tapped on the glass and he moved slightly. I changed the water, ordered betta fix, treated the water, and saw immediate improvement. After 3 days, my betta was swimming happily again!
2 people found this helpful
CG –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Questionable solution
I’m not sure this made any difference, if your betta has fin rot, I will suggest you to do daily water change and add Catappa leaves to your tank.
john –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Helped our Beta
This worked well to help our beta fish after he appeared to get some infection or bacteria. Used as instructed and had to repeat one more time. But definitely helped the fish.
4 people found this helpful
katesu –
5.0 out of 5 stars
So far so good!
I’ve used this for 2 days and already my fish is getting better. I’m sure after 7 days she will be herself again. She was just laying on the bottom of the tank not eating rotting away. Glad I found something to help!
4 people found this helpful
Brian P. –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Seemed to help at first
The instructions say to treat daily for a week then change the water. I think that was too much for our betta in a 5 gal tank. I think it helped after the first day, but on the fourth morning we found him dead. I’d recommend for anyone trying this to only do a day or two then take a day or two off. Maybe change the water before trying again. I’d imagine the oil essentially suffocated the little guy.
10 people found this helpful
Dina DzaficDina Dzafic –
4.0 out of 5 stars
It can work depending how serious the illness is
I had a rescue fish that had bad fun rot the previous owner didn’t change the water nor had live plants and just horrible pet parent I toke in this fish he was a dark ugly little thing almost dead with a couple weeks of using this product it had some green color coming to it even tho the original color was blue but I was happy it was changing sadly the medication would burn the fish I lower the dose as small as possible but when ever I put the drops in he would swim very quickly and in the last weeks he laid on his side and was losing weight even tho he ate there is no way of knowing if it was age the fin rot or the medication that affected him at the end but I did my best I had betas since I was five and it always is sad when they leave. Attached is a photo of how bad the rot was I don’t have any more photos since that was the 1st week of having him I wanted to do a before and after and I didn’t take the after since it was just his behavior and death. I believe he was a dumbo or some other larger finned Betta.
6 people found this helpful
Grant –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Not sure – give it a shot
Didn’t completely cure my betta, he had a tumor, but it eased his pain.
Heather Scott –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Did the trick
I was very surprised that it worked
4 people found this helpful
Nicole W –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Fixed my bettas ick
My betta got the ick and stopped eating and got very lethargic. I put her in a small bowl and gave her 9 of these drops a day for a week and she’s back to her old self!! No more white dots
2 people found this helpful
Karen –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Wish it worked
I was hoping this would be the fix, but alas, my poor little betta did not make it, even though I used this and tried everything I could.
3 people found this helpful
T. Thiel –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Last ditch effort SAVED MY BETTA!
Ok, I know the fish groups will tell you not to use this stuff, but it saved my betta after trying literally everything else. Expensive kanaplex, seachem, etc. Non of that worked for a bad case of swim bladder and fin rot. I had resigned myself to the fact that our betta was going to die but as a last ditch effort I ordered this. A week later, after literally being on deaths door, our betta is swimming around again, fins have stopped falling off, and he’s happy and interactive again. I don’t know what this magic is but this $5 bottle saved our betta after all the other stuff failed. I followed the directions exactly, and have continued on with a second dosing at a lower strength and my betta continues to improve. Highly recommend.
9 people found this helpful
Mike Jones –
5.0 out of 5 stars
A literal life saver
My betta was showing signs of swim bladder disease by parasitic infection. I looked at so many different medications and i’m so glad this is the one i went with. Just a few days later and he’s already got is buoyancy back!!
5 people found this helpful
Katie HKatie H –
5.0 out of 5 stars
10/5 stars
Moved my betta from a 5 gal fluval spec v to a 9 gal fluval flex. While doing a couple of cycling days in the flex I treated him with bettafix to help aid fin rot while he was still in the spec v. Fluval spec v has trash water flow and I ended up with detritus worms (I think). I wanted to get a few days jump on treating him before I moved him to a safer, healthier tank. He had his personality back in about 3 days, moving off the tank floor again and excited for his food. After about a week I noticed his coloring was back. Then I moved him into his new tank. I treated him for 7 days total with Bettafix and then took a break while he settled into the new tank with brand new substrate and water. It has been 16 days since I gave him the 7 day dose of the medicine and I am ELATED at how much it helped him. Photos speak for themselves.
3 people found this helpful
Ashley –
5.0 out of 5 stars
We had fin rot and this clear up the problem in a week. Our betta is doing great! Super easy to use and only needed one round of treatment.
Amazon Customer –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Revived my Betta
Great product and I saw huge positive changes in my betta fish in two days!
One person found this helpful
MC87MC87 –
5.0 out of 5 stars
It works!!
I’ve used this twice on the same fish now. If you catch your fish swimming sideways start using this asap! The earlier you catch them doing it and start treating them the better the odds are. Remove your fish from its original bowl into something smaller with shallow water so the fish can get to the surface easily without struggle. Stop feeding them for about 3-4 days, they will be fine. As you can see, the container I used is the container he came in and it’s pretty small. I add 3 drops into it once daily for 7 days. The pictures I’ve got are first day before I added bettafix. His color was very light and I noticed he was struggling to swim straight so I started him immediately on bettafix. The second picture is 7 days later. He’s doing much better, I’m feeding him only a little and moving him back to his cleaned bowl today. I will continue to add 1 drop now for another week to help him get back to full color and health. Hope this helps!
5 people found this helpful
E Meeu –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Worked for us more than once!
Our beta has a fascination with her tank heater and has cooked herself more than once. Like, bubble face skin burn and this stuff has turned her back to normal on 2 separate occasions. Would totally recommend
HayHay –
4.0 out of 5 stars
We’ll see…
The media could not be loaded.
Just received the bottle yesterday. My son’s betta, Neptune, seems to be sick. My oldest told me that his tails shouldn’t be separated at the tips like they are. We have tank mates (two frogs, a snail and a sucker fish), so from what I read, we should not treat the whole tank, we had to separate Napoleon. I’m quite disappointed that the bottle didn’t come with a dropper lid with measurements. The dosages start at 1/8 tsp for a quart of water. It’d also be nice if there were smaller increments, maybe with number of drops.I ended up pre-mixing a solution and then adding about a quarter of that to the small bowl. I hope I have enough medicine to help him, and not too much.. I don’t want to hurt him. Anyway, I’ll try to remember to update.
Amazon CustomerAmazon Customer –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Saved my fish’s life!
This product is absolutely amazing! I noticed my betta’s fins were dissolving/rotting and she kept sinking to the bottom. She stayed at the bottom of the tank and I wasn’t sure she would survive. After 24 hours of using this product I saw improvement, and after a week it made a world of a difference with fin regrowth! Highly recommend this product for your fish friends!
5 people found this helpful
tjohnsonv827 –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Trying to save a sick Betta
I noticed a week or 2 ago behavior changes to my betta. It was lethargic, not eating as much, not swimming as much, and basically hanging out at the bottom of the tank to live out the rest of its days. I read reviews about the BettaFix and figured give it a try. I love the medicinal scent (someone said like Vicks) and am hoping this will work. I used right out the package, followed instructions and will see what happens. 3 stars for now.
Evelyn Longwith –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Healthy bettas
I use this to support their quality of life and control any possible problems that may arise. I have had problems in the past and with this have avoided repeats. I have beautiful bettas.
One person found this helpful
William Alper –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Miracle Curr
My poor betta “Hagrid” developed some sort of lesion, sore, ulcer, not sure what it even was a few months ago. He was still eating and acting normal and I read it should heal itself. It kept getting worse and worse and I wasn’t sure what to do. On a Saturday, I couldn’t find him in his tank anywhere. I put a few food pellets in as that usually gets him to come out of his hiding spot. Still nothing. I starting taking out the cave ornaments and tree trunk ornaments and there was Haggy, colorless and lifeless looking. I cleaned the tank out completely and did a complete water change and put him back in. The next morning, Hagrid was even worse, I thought he was dead. I took him out of the tank and put him in a smaller pint size container, this time I noticed he was bleeding from the white lesion spot at the top of his body where the dorsal fin is. I thought for sure he wouldn’t make it thru the night and I stared to look on how to humanely euthanize a betta fish. On a whim, I came across this product and figured what the heck I have nothing to lose. I ordered it on Sunday night and it arrived Monday morning. I followed the directions to a T and added 9 drops to a pint of water and hoped for the best. Hagrid still did not want to eat and was just laying at the bottom of the cup of water. I left him alone in a darkened room and checked on him Tuesday morning after just one treatment and he was starting to swim around! I did another complete water change of the pint container and added 9 drops to the new water. By Tuesday afternoon he was swimming around and looking better. I figured maybe he is hungry as he hadn’t eaten in 3-4 days and sure enough he ate 2-3 pellets! I have no idea how this product works or what is actually wrong with Hagrid, but the white lesion looking thing seems to be shrinking/healing. Today is day 2 and I will continue treatment for the full 7 days as recommended. Definitely give this a shot! I would recommend a quarantine/hospital tank as filter media could make the product less effective, and this way you can make sure the dosage is completely accurate and use it sparingly.
21 people found this helpful
Doris –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Just what I needed
UPDATE: After doing small daily doses for about a month, this seems to be the lifesaver I’ve been seeking for the last few months! The water is clear, the algae is gone and there’s no more slime on everything. I realized that this has been the problem all along with all the bettas I purchased from Petco over the last 2 years. I went through 6+ fish in the last 2 years, all of them exhibiting the same slime problem, which is not a problem I had ever had in my previous ownership of bettas. So I highly recommend Bettafix — just realize that you probably want to use less than the label recommends and use it for far longer than the label says, too. I now put in only a couple of drops every couple of days.After a week of adding this to my Betta’s tank, there still seems to be white algae coming off him, although it might be slightly better than it was. At first, he was acting very lethargic and I thought I had killed him, but after a few hours he was doing better. The verdict is still out on this for me.
3 people found this helpful
Stephanie Ellis –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Worked great!
My Beta Fish started laying on the bottom of his tank. He became super lethargic. I got him a heater but he was still lethargic. I purchased this product for him and within 2 days he was a brand new fish. He doesn’t lay on the bottom anymore and swims around his tank super fast. I’m beyond thrilled with this product.
One person found this helpful
Dashing Diva –
4.0 out of 5 stars
So Far, So Good
Using for the last 4 days, my Betta tears his fins a lot, trying to fit in places he can’t. No negative side effects so far, he’s perked up, though this could be because I moved him to a separate tank (no snails, just him and his hides and some plants).I’m confused by all the 1 star reviews claiming this killed their fish (and frogs??? THIS ISN’T FOR FROGS! It’s irresponsible to use it on frogs and then blame the product when they die. C’mon.) I see a lot of reviews stating “My Betta was healthy and happy, and then I used this for 2 weeks and it died!” Well first of all, this is for fish that are suffering fin rot or bacterial infections. If your fish doesn’t have either of these, probably shouldn’t be using it! Secondly, the instructions say 7 days and that it CAN be extended, but not to over use it. TWO WEEKS seems pretty extreme. If after a week you don’t see improvement, why continue to use the product?Anyways, Hewey is doing fine and seems healthy, happy and readily eating (he’s pretty picky). Will probably keep a bottle or 2 of this around for future use. But once his 7 days are up, will stop using and if still having issues switch to Seachem Paraguard or StressGuard as I’ve had success with them in the past for things like fin rot.
28 people found this helpful
Sehar A.Sehar A. –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Beginner: Saved my fish!
I’ve never had a betta before so when I got my first betta at PetSmart (first mistake) I assumed everything would be fine! I got him a nice 5 gallon, two snail friends, conditioner, etc. and thought that my only problem would be a feeding schedule. However, my poor little buddy Snatch, (full name: Invasion of the Body Snatcher 1978) began to immediately start deteriorating. On the third day I got him he stopped eating and stopped swimming, floating listlessly at the top. I started researching and discovered he had fin rot and a gill infection.Luckily bettafix helps with both issues and after only three days his fins have begun growing back and he’s started swimming around the tank again! You can see the photos above how he looks now, versus just a few days after I got him! Please use this medication sparingly though as you’re not supposed to continue use after 7 days. You also will have to remove your carbon filter in your fish tank or it won’t have the full effects, but may want to consider changing the water more frequently.If you’re a new betta owner like me I highly recommend staying AWAY from Tetra brand, that stuff was killing my fish!
16 people found this helpful
Kristen McAuley –
5.0 out of 5 stars
It works!!!!
My Betta DashFlash has one fin in the grave so I figured this couldn’t hurt to try. He was laying on the bottom of his tank, sometimes floating upside down, not eating. I thought he was definitely a goner. Best i could diagnose he had dropsy (pine cone scales) and fin rot. I quarantined him in a very small container (held one pint of water) and I floated it in his tank so his water would stay heated. I followed dosing instructions and started administering 9 drops every day. Within the first couple days i noticed all the black rot on his fins started falling off. I then gave him two or three worms and he started eating again. I’m on day 5 now of this routine and he looks like a whole new fish! He is very feisty and snapping at his worms again. I am still only giving him a few worms at a time and daily drops. Every few days I exchange a little of the tank water in his quarantine bowl to freshen it up. In two more days (day 7) I plan to return him to his tank. I really am astounded by this medicine! If your fish is on deaths door you have nothing to lose by trying. A $3 miracle!
5 people found this helpful
Hanna Chappell –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Loved it!!
Worked great within a week the rip my fish caused in its tail healed shut and is growing back nicely. Can also be used in a tank while the filter is still running, just make sure to do at least an 80% water change after treatment.
One person found this helpful
Shelby Cooper-Neal –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Helped save my betta
Worked overnight in my Betta tank. I’ve got a green algae problem that just keeps coming back and he got some fin rot in the process. Stopped eating and was gasping at the bottom of the tank. 12 hrs later he was alert and asking for food and swimming again
One person found this helpful
$arah$arah –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Pixie is feeling better.
Seems to really work. Pictures are about a month apart. My betta was looking pretty sad. He didn’t have much energy. I really didn’t think he would make it much longer. He just laid at the bottom of his tank. I believe he had fin rot. So I changed tank water and used this product just as directions said. A month later, he has his energy back and looks much much better. He’s full of life again. Definitely recommend.
2 people found this helpful
Marilyn –
5.0 out of 5 stars
my fish had fin rot and he got better
One person found this helpful
Al –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Worked for my betta
My betta started having what looked like fuzzy white patches over its body and his fins started looking raggedy.I own a 5 gallon tank. According to the directions, I was supposed to put 12.5 ml/day for 7 days (2.5 ml/day per gallon for 7 days). Based on other people’s comments, I decided to lower the dosage but go longer.The first 2 days I put 10 ml, the following 2 days I put 7.5 ml and I continued the treatment with 5 ml/day until the bottle was empty. I would let the filter run for 5-10 mins after putting the medication so that it would mix properly with the water, then I would turn it off for 8hrs or so (so that the filter wouldn’t remove all of it).The bottle says 50 ml, but as it turned out, the bottle I purchased had 70 ml. There was enough for me to apply the medication for 11 days (4 days longer than suggested, but with a lower daily dosage). On day 12, I thoroughly cleaned the tank. My betta is looking way better, not 100% but getting there.This seems to have worked, and it’s very affordable.
5 people found this helpful
Mapie’s Friday –
1.0 out of 5 stars
Danger, Will Robinson!!!
1) this “heals” (I think) by irritating your fish until it produces a better slime coat 2) it IS an antibacterial/antimicrobial/antifungal for the water so if your water is scummy or full of algae, it will clear it up in 2 days. It will also kill your plants because it messes up the water balance. 3) if your Betta is on death’s doorstep, do NOT use this. If you try it, do about 10% for 2 days to see how he tolerates it. The weaker the fish, the more likely this will kill him instead of helping 4) make D**NED sure you’re water balance is PERFECT before adding 5) be aware that this will send your KH and TAL through the roof and mess with your pH, even in a perfect tank. MONITOR CLOSELY.I can’t say never to use this. It really did clear up the bacterial biofilm on the surface of my tank for a while BUT I only used full dose on the 3rd day. Water parameters went psycho, after that. Betta quit eating… I hope he survives.I recommend finding a good Betta forum online before getting to desperate place. I believe that most Betta illnesses are a result of malnutrition, now. Ignore the employee at the Big Box store who says to give them one lekker every other day and feed them according to the directions on their food. Big Box starves them so the water in those cups doesn’t get too dirty.I’ve lost 3 bettas that I think the cause was starvation or malnutrition from following Big Box advice (and waiting until they were nearly don’t to try bettafix, as stated, they were too weak for it to do anything but stress them the rest of the way). I kept treating the symptoms in desperation, not knowing the cause.But seriously. Monitor CLOSELY if you try it. Start low dose. It has some benefits but don’t use it to try to “save” a sick fish.
2 people found this helpful
BookGirl1115 –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Saved my fish
My betta was in a funk, and I was pretty sure it was dying. After some research into my fish’s ailment, I purchased this product to help, and within a few days my betta was feeling better.
3 people found this helpful
WhynotaskjaneWhynotaskjane –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Betta is alive and well!!!!! Than you Bettafix!!!!!
New Betta owner… I changed all the water added conditioner and rinsed everything really well, put in new filter thought I did a great job. Put my Betta back in 2 days later and he was at the bottom of tank in distress…. then his fins started looking all shredded and he was all clamped up for like a week. I was beside myself. So I desperately did a bunch of research and found that I shouldn’t have cleaned my tank so well and new filters etc. I read a bunch of reviews, blogs etc. and decided to give this a try. OMG right away my Betta came back to life so to speak. I’m not kidding!!!! Fins are looking better, his color is looking better and he acts all normal again – swimming around and interacting. Love my Betta and THRILLED this saved my Betta!!!!!! Thank you Betta fix! I used this and also put in API Stress Coat +
6 people found this helpful
K Taylor –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Works Great!
It actually works for repairing ragged, torn, ripped, Betta fins. I put a drop or two directly on Betta when they come to the surface. They love it! I’m guessing the drops make their fins and skin feel better. It takes about a week to see significant improvement, but it does work.
One person found this helpful
Michelle101 –
4.0 out of 5 stars
Bettafix doesn’t fix everything, but it’s still a good product
I have two bettas that weren’t feeling very well, one I had gotten with a flared gill on her right side and it never goes down, and there are times when she refuses to eat anything but brine shrimp that too much of, will give bettas float. My other guy has an immunity problem and he gets picky with his food and changes colors all the time.So I bought this bettafix and though it didn’t cure my boy’s fin rot that he gets, no matter how much I keep his tank clean or how much aquarium salt I use, (never more than recommended) he seems happy with this product, for when I use it, he eats more and swims more. The same with my little girl, she is able to eat more food and the flare had gone down a little, but it never goes away still, but she is more lively and wants to eat everything =-}Though this product didn’t cure my two poor bettas, it has made them feel more happy. I used just a little on my other seven bettas that are healthy, and they seem to perk up even more. Oh, and I love the smell of the product and I wish the smell will stay in the water, but it doesn’t, it’s almost like eucalyptus leaves. My bettas and I like this product and I will use it again.
4 people found this helpful
Natalie B Newbold –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Miracle Potion!
My poor betta developed fin rot and was starting to look white (originally blue). My kids were very concerned. I Googled what it could be and what to do and was led to this amazing product. So easy to use and fish is back to beautiful blue!
One person found this helpful
KikiRocks6511 –
3.0 out of 5 stars
It works, but needs to come in bigger bottle
This product does work if dosed correctly. However, this was clearly made for people who keep their fish in small tanks/bowls. My Betta is in a 10 gallon tank. According to the instructions, I need to use a total of 5tsp daily. The recommended treatment duration is 7 days, but the tiny bottle will only last me about 2 days.
5 people found this helpful
Amber Durrant –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Hard for me to know if it works
I had a beta fish that was suffering from swim bladder disease and so was hoping this would help him. I followed the directions exactly and sadly it did not cure him. I tried several things though and nothing seemed to help. So it’s hard for me to give this a complete review as it didn’t work for me, but my fish could have just had a serious problem. The instructions were easy to follow though, it was easy to use, It just didn’t work out for me.
4 people found this helpful
Soulyn –
5.0 out of 5 stars
My betta is better ! I was so worried about him & im happy to see him swim again
One person found this helpful
lvachon –
5.0 out of 5 stars
It worked
I needed many bottles for my large tank, but it worked and my lil dude is happy and healthy.
Bree –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Life saving!
I read the reviews and decided to purchase this product and I’m happy I did. My betta fish feels and looks better. I definitely recommend!
One person found this helpful
ReaganReagan –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Great helped my Betta a lot, ordering more.
Top photo is when I got my betta bottom photo is today. He was very sick when I bought him from a fish store while on vacation. After a pretty brutal drive home he was not looking good. Since I got him in a nice heated tank and added this medicine for a week he is looking a lot better than before and was so much personality. He is slowly starting to change color, and his fins are growing back very nicely. I will use this medicine for one more week, I’m excited to see the results.
PaulBonf –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Fixed my fish
Upgraded his tank/filter and added a moss ball. In the process my Betta must have gotten stressed and succumbed to some illness most likely from the moss ball addition. Was slow, lethargic, laid on the bottom of the tank mostly, and wouldn’t eat his pellets at all. He was this way for weeks as exhausted other treatments (changing foods, water changing more frequently, replacing filter ect…). Only would eat frozen brine shrimp. His beautiful fins became shredded and frayed. His scales on his face/side were losing color.Began treatment 5 days ago and he is literally back to behaving normal. His color has come back to his scales, and I think his flowing fins are starting to regenerate, or at least aren’t getting any worse. Wish I did this sooner. Now eating pellets again- 2 more days of treatment then a good water change and hopes he stays better.
5 people found this helpful
L.G –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Happy Betta
One Morning, my Betta fish was laying on his side at the top of the aquarium verily moving. He was still alive, but was swimming very slow. He was Just not looking so well. I saw this product and got it. I used it for 7 to 8 days in the same tank. On the 8th day he was back to swimming all over the tank. So Happy that he has recovered. A Big Thanks You.
7 people found this helpful
LMB 925 –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Works great against fin rot
My betta fish didn’t look great when I got him, but he was a color match for one I’d bought with my nieces and nephew that didn’t make it through his first water change. I was careful, but the other guy just didn’t handle the stress of the new tank. I’ve had many betta fish over the years. They normally last about 6/7 years. I hadn’t had one in a while and I felt it would be a fun thing to get for the kids. So, when the little guy didn’t make it I rushed out to the pet store looking for a near match so the kids weren’t upset.The only similar fish the pet store had looked a little tired with fins that weren’t great, but not that bad. I took a chance and thought he might do better with a good water change, nice size tank, and some TLC. I used a little aquarium salt at first as I’d read it fixes most issues like these, but it wasn’t enough. His energy was good, but his fins got worse, and clean water changes weren’t working. I think they were stressing him out. It didn’t look like normal fin rot. The tail had gotten really pointy and strange looking. I’ve never had that happen with a fish before. In fact, I’ve never had to deal with fin rot at all. After some research I bought this to give it a shot and within a week the little guy has a nice, normal, fan-like tail instead of the pointy rotten one. He’s doing great. I’ve never used a product like this, so I have nothing to compare it to. I didn’t know what to expect, but I’m thrilled with the results. The little guy is flaring again and swimming all over the tank. I’ll keep this product on hand as long as I own fish to ensure I have it if they need it.I think when using this product, like with any chemicals for your fish, that you follow directions and err on the side of caution so as not to use too much. My little guy is recovering and I’ve stopped using the product. There’s a very small hole in the tail, but I think at this point the aquarium salt and frequent clean water will heal that.
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Janet FellowsJanet Fellows –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Saved my bettas life
So my homicidal toddler somehow took Christian (the betta) out of his tank and hid him under the bed and would not tell me where he was. This fish was under there for a solid 20min, you can’t convince me he wasn’t dead. I found his poor lifeless dried up body and quickly put him back in the tank. Dude was floating sideways, he visited Jesus and back. No one can tell me otherwise. Upon inspection I noticed him take a breath, he was barely hanging on. CPR was not an option but these drops were. He looked rough, his fins were half way torn and he looked like he had just came out of a blender. I added this drops religiously for 2 weeks and me and the kids would pray for him to pull through. I was not prepared to have the death talk with them yet. Christian showed signs of life after two days, he was back to swimming and after two weeks or rehabilitation he looked more beautiful than ever. His fins and personality blossomed. I’m not sure if it was an act of god or these drops but I’ll tell you I believe it’s the drops. They didn’t just fix this betta, they reincarnated him into a more beautiful fish. My toddler faces consequences of his actions and we had a nice long chat about not killing our pets along with looking at therapy to not have him be homicidal. Overall 10/10 would recommend
161 people found this helpful
Mia –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Fast and easy to use
I woke up to my beta on Saturday 1/21 being gray and ALL fins crumpled up, Night prior he was fine. Ordered this and immediately went to the store to start him on some Aquarium salts. Arrived on Tuesday I believe and immediately added it to the water. Salts hadn’t done as much healing yet. By Thursday he was looking much better but still had clumped fins. Friday he was more active and fins were looking a bit more open and by Saturday he was all back to normal! Will keep it in my emergency kit from now on. 2 days to look better AND 3 for a full recovery. Did a half water change on my 10 gal on Sunday and added whatever I had left of the Betta Fix, some more salts & the appropriate dose of tannins and all fish and snails are looking healthy as ever!!
6 people found this helpful
Bryanna –
3.0 out of 5 stars
Did not work
My Beta fish was looking so dull and unhappy, I have tried this medication for over a week and he still doesn’t look better. I think I would still buy it again and try it for another fish. Very reasonable price, easy directions, easy to use.
Rebecca RodriguezRebecca Rodriguez –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Heals fast
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The tank I ordered came with rocks that were soooo abrasive for Tuco (my betta). His bottom fins were torn and he was having such a hard time swimming.A week after adding this stuff and you can see how his color is coming back to his bottom fins. He looks like he feels like a million bucks.Makes aquarium smell nice too.
9 people found this helpful
Bradley Fred DyeBradley Fred Dye –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Healed my sick Betta
My very sick Betta hunkered down in an upper corner of my aquarium for over a week – barely moving. I thought he was a goner. I ordered BETTAFIX on a Saturday and it was delivered on a Sunday! Yes, the next – day! – and on a Sunday too. I followed the instructions on the label very carefully. My Betta started improving after the second day of treatment and after one week he appears to have completely recovered.I have read many negative comments on the Internet, claiming that this remedy will damage or even kill Bettas. It certainly wasn’t my experience. Hooray!
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Loretta Loretta –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Rapid repair
Within a week and after using the product once the results are noticeable.
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Silvia Prows –
5.0 out of 5 stars
Definitely works
I wasn’t sure if this product would work since my betta looked like he wasn’t gonna make it but after one day of treatment, he was swimming and eating again. I did a full week of treatment. He still looks horrible but he is active and eating which is a good sign of recovery.
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